
NTI Center is a center of crystallization of a new high-tech biotechnology industry.

NTI Center leads the activity of all participants of the innovation process such as universities, science and industry. NTI Center is intended to generate advanced knowledge and to become a new-style educational center creating conditions for development of the best creative potential of Russia and other countries.

NTI Center produces innovative products and technologies uniting results of fundamental studies and NTI market requirements to improve the economic efficiency, life expectancy and quality of life of the population.

Our strategic goals:

  • Expansion of innovative domestic products and services to the world markets.
    Expansion of innovative domestic products and services to the world markets.
  • Development of new standards of creation of innovative products in the field of biotechnology in Russia and in the global markets.
    Development of new standards of creation of innovative products in the field of biotechnology in Russia and in the global markets.
  • Making Russia a global leader of the biotechnology market.
    Making Russia a global leader of the biotechnology market.

Our objectives:

  • Development of new effective biopharmaceuticals and BioMedicine
  • Patenting and licensing of innovative products and services in the field of biotechnology which can influence the global market dynamics
  • Biotechnological production development
  • Regulatory activity at the State level: participation in preparation of recommendations and legislation approval process in the field of biotechnology
  • Development of a comprehensive marketing approach to promote biotechnology products on the global market
  • Development of training programs in the field of biology, chemistry, law, marketing to provide personnel for the economy of the future in the global markets
  • Higher engineering and management training for the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries